
It’s no secret that we’re partial to reaching for natural and organic ingredients when we clean our homes. After all, we founded L’AVANT Collective to make high performing, non toxic cleaning products with plant-based natural ingredients you’d enjoy using every day. If you’ve ever been curious how to make organic cleaning products for tough-to-clean spots like the oven, toilet, and more, read on. We’ve got some easy and effective tips to share!


Create a non-toxic oven cleaner

If you’ve ever used conventional oven cleaner, you know how overpowering those fumes can be. No need to give yourself a headache trying to clean the oven. Just 3 pantry staples will make an organic cleaner that gets the job done, all without turning on the oven!


To begin, wipe down the inside of your oven with a sponge and water. Then, create a paste made of ¼ C. each of salt and water, mixing in ¾ C. baking soda to really thicken it up. Apply anywhere in your oven that needs cleaning. The next day, scrape down with a spatula and wipe with a damp sponge again, or with steel wool for extra tough stains.

Person cleaning inside an oven 

Try a natural toilet bowl cleaner

Trying to go the natural cleaning products route, but not sure how to get your toilet clean without the toxic chemicals?


With a little ingenuity, you can clean your toilet while knowing you’re being gentle on your health, and your water supply. Begin by mixing 1 C. white vinegar with ¼ C. baking soda (cue memories of making ‘volcanoes’ in elementary school science class!). While it’s foaming up, pour it in your toilet bowl and let it sit for several minutes, then scrub with your toilet brush. Flush the remaining mixture down the drain, and voila! An organic cleaning product that’s safe and effective to use.


Use this single ingredient organic powder cleanser

No need to buy a separate powder cleanser for your tiles, tub, or sink. Ditch the powder cleansers (especially those that boast they have added bleach) and reach for—yep, you guessed it!—the box of baking soda, instead.


Sprinkle baking soda in the tub or sink and gently scrub with a damp sponge. Need a little extra power? Spray with a plant-based multi-purpose cleaner like L’AVANT Collective Multipurpose Surface Cleaner and let sit for a few minutes. Follow with baking soda, then gently scrub with a damn sponge and rinse with water.

Baking soda in a jar and L'AVANT multipurpose cleaner

Reach for this eco-friendly dish soap

Need to mop your floors and wash the grease off your dishes? Reach for eco-luxe dish soap that’s safe for people, pets, and the planet: L’AVANT Collective High Performing Dish Soap, infused with our natural linen scent and skin-pampering, plant based ingredients.


Just a few drops of this concentrated dish soap in your mop bucket goes a long way in cleaning your floors and uplifting your senses with the scent of antibacterial essential oils. The best part? It’s safe for you, your family, and your pets to walk across—no fear of toxic ingredients here! And while it works beautifully as a floor cleaner, this eco-friendly dish soap really shines on dirty, greasy dishes.


Making your own organic cleaning products isn’t just easy, it’s fun. So go ahead: Grab the kids and start mixing. They may just end up loving it as much as you do!

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