
How to Remove Halloween Makeup from Fabric

How to Remove Halloween Makeup from Fabric

Spooky season is upon us, and we can’t get enough of pumpkin patches, cozy candles, and all those warming spices leading up to Halloween. The morning after those Halloween parties, however, can bring a frightening realization: The telltale signs of Halloween costume makeup on our clothes and upholstery. Before you panic, read on. We’ve got helpful hints on removing Halloween makeup from fabric–and they start with L’AVANT Collective.  What is “Halloween makeup”? Halloween makeup comprises both everyday makeup from your makeup bag, and the thick, oil-based paint that you often find in party or costume stores. In general, Halloween makeup...

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Our Favorite Non-Toxic Cleaners for After School Messes

Our Favorite Non-Toxic Cleaners for After School Messes

School is back in session, and for many of us, that means major shifts in the daily routines we enjoyed all summer. These adjustments don’t have to mean sacrificing a clean home, however. In just a few minutes, after school messes from tired and hungry family members can be cleaned up and surfaces can be wiped down to get ready for dinnertime, thanks to our favorite organic cleaning products. Here are our top picks for non-toxic cleaners for after school messes–and thanks to our gentle plant-based formulas, they’re safe enough for little helpers to use, too.  Post-snack spills and stickiness?...

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How to Organize Your Laundry Room

How to Organize Your Laundry Room

Whether you have a dedicated laundry room in which to use your natural laundry products or your washer and dryer share their space with your basement or garage, having a well-organized laundry “room” can not only save you time and energy, but it can make this necessary chore feel less burdensome. While many of us give careful consideration to organizing our kitchen pantry or home office, the laundry room often gets overlooked when it comes to home organization–but not anymore! Here are our favorite ways to organize your laundry room to make laundry day less laborious.  Empty the laundry room...

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How to Remove Odor from Clothing

How to Remove Odor from Clothing

It’s no secret that this summer has been a brutal one, and with temperatures soaring into the triple digits for much of the world, there’s no getting around it: Our laundry has borne the brunt of our sweating. Body odor in clothing can be notoriously difficult to get rid of, but don’t toss that t-shirt or workout gear just yet. Thanks to the powerful plant enzymes in L’AVANT Collective non toxic laundry detergent, your clothes will look brighter, feel softer, and yes–even smell better! Here’s how plant enzymes get even the dirtiest, sweatiest job done to leave your laundry clean...

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How to Keep Clutter Off Your Kitchen Countertops

How to Keep Clutter Off Your Kitchen Countertops

No matter what our best intentions are for keeping things tidy around the house, kitchen countertops have a way of becoming cluttered, however big or small they are. That’s because our kitchens truly are the heart of the home–and that means a lot of foot traffic, a lot of gathering for eating, socializing, working, and doing homework, and a lot of “I’ll pick that up later.” Because we love a clean, organized house, we’ve honed a few helpful ways to keep clutter off kitchen countertops–and we think you’re going to love them as much as we do. Read on to...

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How to Clean Your Kitchen Without Bleach

How to Clean Your Kitchen Without Bleach

For many people, getting a kitchen “truly clean” means using bleach when cleaning. A little spray on the countertop, a little in the mop bucket…but using bleach to clean your kitchen may leave you feeling less like cooking in your kitchen and more like you need to open the windows and get some fresh air–now. The good news? You don’t have to clean your kitchen with harsh bleach. Instead, reach for non toxic cleaning products that keep your home clean while still being safe for you, your family, and your pets. Here’s how. Why should I avoid bleach in the...

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How Cleaning Can Make You Feel Calm

How Cleaning Can Make You Feel Calm

It’s no secret that we love cleaning. After all, L’AVANT Collective was born out of our combined love of beautiful design and a clean house! As it turns out, however, our “cleaning quirk” isn’t so much a quirk as it is…a stress reliever? It may seem like a stretch, but hear us out: Cleaning can actually be beneficial for easing stress. Here’s how cleaning can make you feel calm–and why what you use to clean with matters to your physical and mental well-being. Cleaning can ease anxiety If you’ve noticed that you take great comfort in wiping down your countertops...

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How to Naturally Remove Ice Cream Stains

How to Naturally Remove Ice Cream Stains

It’s official: Ice cream season is here, and that means reveling in all the delights that an ice cold treat on a warm summer day can bring. Unfortunately, it also means ice cream stains on our clothes. But as much as we love being clean, there’s not a chance we’re going to miss out on a scoop or two when the occasion calls for it! Instead, we’re turning to the powerful natural enzymes in  L’AVANT Collective High Performing Laundry Detergent to show us how to naturally remove ice cream stains. Consider this your summer wardrobe saver!  Removing ice cream stains...

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5 Ways to Transform Your Bathroom Into a Spa

5 Ways to Transform Your Bathroom Into a Spa

When you think about a spa treatment, what comes to mind? For us, it’s not solely about the treatment itself (though that, of course, is always a treat!) –it’s also about how relaxing the space is to spend time in. From minimalist decor and greenery to scents that ease whatever burden we’re carrying, spas have a way of hitting the reset button so we can keep going. There’s no reason we can’t recreate a spa experience at home, of course, and it doesn’t have to be overwhelming to do so. Here are our favorite five ways to transform your bathroom...

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